I am a 54 year old overweight woman who has a long family history with diabetes, vascular disease and obesity. I have tried as many “fad” diets, diet pills, shake programs, the list goes on and on. None of which made any long term difference to my life and weight issues. I heard about Nutrimost and researched it on the internet. I of course was very skeptical but curious….what did I have to lose. I went to Nutrimost in December 2016 and met with the staff who sat down with me and explained the program. My family and I were going on vacation over the holidays so I chose to revisit the idea of the program in January post holidays and vacation. January 4, 2017 I made the decision to change my life. I WAS FINALLY READY !!! The staff has been with me, encouraging me, reassuring me during this journey. I am 2 months into the program and I have lost 22 pounds and for the first time since I cant even remember, I am no longer OBESE. My Life change continues and so does the support of my team. This program works and I am forever thankful.

Julie A.
March 7, 2017