MaryLou C Before and After

I found NutriMost when I wasn’t looking for it while going to my chiropractor. It was across the hall from them. I weighed 262 and am 5’3″. I was 68 at the time. I asked my chiropractors about it and they said it was a health and wellness program as well as a weight loss program. I decided to try it out and it was the best thing I have ever done. I was hypertensive and on a BP med. My feet and legs were always swelling. I couldn’t even walk down a long hallway at church without getting excrutiating pain in both hips. I was essentially a couch potato due to the pain. I have 6 grandchildren I couldn’t keep up with and had a housekeeper clean my house. I started NutriMost Feb, 2016 and by the end of August I had lost 92 lbs. My BP is now running 120/70 or lower and I’m off the med. My feet and legs no longer swell and the pain in my hips is gone. I can walk up and downstairs carrying laundry and even shovel snow without getting winded. I now have so much energy, I don’t know what to do with it all. I can keep up with my grandchildren now and I do my own housework too! My kids call me the energizer bunny because I run circles around them. I loved all the help and support I got from NutriMost and furthermore loved the fact that the diet was all healthy food which you make from scratch. There’s nothing processed and no shakes. Other diets I tried like that and it never worked for me. I would quit and gain what I lost right back. NutriMost teaches you how to keep it off and I have been able to keep the weight off using the tools they taught me. I want to encourage women my age who think that it’s too late to change. It isn’t. In fact you will feel so good that it will give you a reason to carry on and enjoy life again. People tell me all the time that I look younger now, well I certainly feel younger. My original Body Composition Analysis said my metabolic age was over 90, that is now 63 which is 6 years younger than I am now. Just go in and give NutriMost a try! You will be glad you did!!

MaryLou C.
March 3, 2017