Having struggled most of my adult life with being overweight, I was very skeptical when I learned about the NutriMost Program. I went for a consultation and learned that I had a metabolic age of 99+!! I was concerned about my ability to do this program, but in the end, I said I could do anything for 40 Days!! The first few days are intense to say the least, but the coached I had – Todd, Ann and Dr. Josh were all there to help me through it. Once the 40 days were up I had lost about 30 lbs!! I kept it off all summer long and went back in the fall for another round. Once again Todd and Ann were there to hold my hand. Dr. josh was also in the midst of a round himself..so we would compare notes. That in of itself spoke volumes to me. This was not just an office of people trying to sell you something. After round 2 I lost another 30 lbs and never felt better! My metabolic age dropped to below my actual age and I looked great! Thank you Dr. Josh, Todd and Ann for everything..The Bellmore NY office is the best, worth the 30 minute drive!!
It really does work
Fabrizio A.
March 24, 2017