Tracy K Before


Tracy K After


It was another Christmas season of out of control eating, hating the image in the mirror and discouraged with diets that just did not work!! Dr. Abood told me about Nutrimost and I was very skeptical. But at 5’4″ and 185 pounds I was miserable enough to try it. I had no idea how successful I could be! I had been 160# or more since puberty. I thought that was the best I could ever be. After 43 short, hunger-free days, I weighed 157#! During Phase 5 I lost an additional 10# just by severely limiting Phase 5 additional foods. That was April, 2015. I went from a size 12 to a size 6. Today I still weigh 147 pounds thanks to Nutrimost’s dedication to being available whenever I need help. Every day I thank God and Nutrimost. This has been the best gift I could have ever given myself.

Tracy K.
March 3, 2017