I’m in an executive role at work and the daily grind was taking years off of my life due to stress and work life imbalance. I was starting to have side effects from the stress – poor sleep, eye migraines, vertigo, constant anxiety hormone imbalance and more. The weight around my belly seemed impossible to shrink and the extra weight negatively impacted my confidence. I think the first three weeks of the program were rough because my body was so out of whack! But I started feeling better, a lot better. I have more energy and the daily anxiety is gone. Food tastes so much better and I actually have slowed down when I eat to savor the taste. I about freaked after my initial meeting when I left with a list of meats that I’d only sampled or would never eat in my lifetime. Things like liver, elk, Cornish hen and freshwater fish. But, I survived the initial shock, figured out how to plan my meals, where to find the meats and started to really enjoy what I was consuming. The best side effect is the weight loss. The weight comes off quickly; so quickly that people can’t figure out what’s different about you so they comment on your hair while staring still trying to figure it out. I want to keep going in the program and to remain on the supplements that have me feeling so much better.

Christa W.
June 21, 2017